Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Four Trees and a bird

Just a black tree- wouldn't it be neat to see a black tree? There is an eery gloom to this one... which is why
its strategically situated on the very bottom off my wall.

This came about while I was creating an outline for my "unconventional art tools" lesson. Remember those tempera paint prints in kindergarten you did using potatotes? Well this is my take 16 years later using acyrlic on 180 lb watercolour. Has a look that isn't in line with anything I've done before.
A purple tree? May not be the most accurate colour depiction of a tree hugging the side of a lake but I like the way it turned out. I tried my hand at creating a reflection in the water and I now have a whole new found respect for reflection paintings. Next time you see a reflection piece take a closer look at the ripples and reflection.
So I had no idea where I was going with this one. Actually... now that I think about it I rarely do in any of the paintings initially. ha. It's funny how you appreciate those things that came out of little or no intention, things that were accidental. This easily could have been a disaster- you know that saying "failing to plan, is planning to fail"
but it turned out that it didn't end up in my recycling bin. premium joy.
Alas, a lonely bird.
I thought it would be a good idea to paint something other than a tree.

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